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Language customization

Languages on self-provisioning pages


Languages on self-provisioning pages

Languages on self-provisioning pages

You can customize some or all of the text strings in the existing language files, so that they are consistent with your company style and vocabulary.

You can also customize text strings on the user portal and user login pages.

The self-provisioning pages appear during the SafeNet MobilePASS+, grIDsure, or FIDO self-provisioning workflows.

Protect your account page

The protect your account page is the first self-provisioning page that appears when a user tries to log in, but they don't have the required type of token.

The following images show the location of the key-value pairs on the protect your account page:

alt_text          alt_text

In the language files, you can customize the following values for the protect your account page:

Key Value
signin Log in to access
switch-user Switch User
protect-your-account Protect Your Account
protect-text Your account needs an additional layer of security. To comply, you need to add an authenticator.
button-add-authenticator Add Authenticator
link-cancel Cancel
custom.infobox.authentication See Custom languages on the user portal and login pages

Add authenticator page

The add authenticator page appears after the protect your account page.

The following images show the location of the key-value pairs on the add authenticator page:

alt_text          alt_text

In the language files, you can customize the following values for the add authenticator page:

Key Value
enrollment.addAuthenticator Add Authenticator
enrollment.stepConfirmIdentity Confirm Your Identity
enrollment.confirmIdentityText Hello <strong>{{ username }}</strong>! First we need to confirm your identity to add a new authenticator.
enrollment.emailVerificationText Enter the verification code that was emailed to you at <strong>{{ maskedEmail }}</strong>.
enrollment.verificationCode Verification code
enrollment.cancel Cancel
enrollment.continue Continue
enrollment.sendItAgain Send it again
custom.infobox.enrollment See Custom languages on the user portal and login pages

Domain password page

The domain password page appears when users have a synchronized Active Directory password, which is used instead of email verification.

The following images show the location of the key-value pairs on the domain password page:

alt_text          alt_text

In the language files, you can customize the following values for the add authenticator page:

Key Value

Add Authenticator


Confirm Your Identity


Hello <b>$1!</b> First we need to confirm your identity to add a new authenticator.


Enter your Domain Password.


Reset password

Displayed only if SafeNet Agent for Password Management is configured.

Link_cancel Cancel


Select authenticator page

The select authenticator page appears after the add authenticator page.

The following images show the location of the key-value pairs on the select authenticator page:

alt_text          alt_text 

In the language files, you can customize the following values for the add authenticator page:

Key Value
enrollment.addAuthenticator Add Authenticator
enrollment.stepSelectAuthenticatorType Select Authenticator Type
enrollment.selectAuthenticatorTypeText Select a type of authenticator to add to your account: Authenticator App Set Up the SafeNet MobilePASS+ app on your mobile device or computer
enrollment.addAuthenticator.gridsure Grid Pattern
enrollment.addAuthenticator.gridsure.description Set up a pattern for your GrIDsure authenticator
enrollment.addAuthenticator.securityKey Security key, built-in sensor, or passkey
enrollment.addAuthenticator.securityKey.description Register your security key, built-in sensor (such as Windows Hello or Touch ID), or passkey
enrollment.cancel Cancel
enrollment.submit Submit
custom.infobox.enrollment See Custom languages on the user portal and login pages

GriDsure self-provisioning pages

How GrIDsure works page

The how GrIDsure works page appears after grid pattern is selected on the add authenticator page.

The following images show the location of the key-value pairs on the how GrIDsure works page:

alt_text          alt_text

In the language files, you can customize the following values for the how GrIDsure works page:

Key Value
enrollment.AddAuthenticator Add Authenticator
enrollment.gridsureLearnMore How GrIDsure works
enrollment.gridsureLearnMoreChoosePattern Choose a unique pattern that you’ll remember.
enrollment.gridsureLearnMoreUniquePattern You will type a different passcode each time based on your chosen pattern.
enrollment.gridsureLearnMoreNonTrivial It is safer to choose a pattern that is hard to guess.
enrollment.back Back
enrollment.continue Continue
custom.infobox.enrollment See Custom languages on the user portal and login pages

Set up GrIDsure page

The following images show the location of the key-value pairs on the Set up GrIDsure page:

alt_text          alt_text

In the language files, you can customize the following values for the Set up GrIDsure page:

Key Value
enrollment.addAuthenticator Add Authenticator
enrollment.gridsureSetup Set Up GrIDsure
enrollment.gridsureInstructions Choose your unique grid pattern and then type the associated characters below.
enrollment.gridsureEnterPattern Enter your grid pattern
enrollment.gridsurePatternRequirements Minimum {{ minLength }} characters, case-sensitive
enrollment.error.TrivialPipError Trivial patterns such as straight lines, diagonals, and box corners are not allowed. Create a more secure pattern.
enrollment.error.MinLengthPipError Pattern is too short. Minimum {{ minLength }} characters.
enrollment.error.DuplicatePipLocationError Same grid location was used more than twice.
enrollment.error.InvalidPipCharacterError Invalid characters were used.
enrollment.error.EmptyPipError Required
enrollment.gridsureReminder Remember the pattern, not the characters!
enrollment.back Back
enrollment.submit Submit
custom.infobox.authentication See Custom languages on the user portal and login pages

Set up GrIDsure PIN page

The set up GrIDsure PIN page appears when the Server-side User Select option is enabled; prompting users to add a PIN to their grid pattern.

The following images show the location of the key-value pairs on the set up GrIDsure PIN page:

alt_text          alt_text

In the language files, you can customize the following values for the set up GrIDsure PIN page:

Key Value
enrollment.addAuthenticator Add Authenticator Set Up GrIDsure PIN Your admin requires that a PIN be added to your grid pattern. PIN Requirements: Must be Must contain at least one uppercase letter Must contain at least one lowercase letter Must contain at least one number Must contain at least one special character like ! @ # $ % & * ? Create PIN Next time you authenticate, type your PIN followed by your grid pattern, all in the same line. Next time you authenticate, type your grid pattern followed by your PIN, all in the same line.
enrollment.back Back
enrollment.submit Submit
custom.infobox.enrollment See Custom languages on the user portal and login pages

Your GrIDsure PIN page

The Your GrIDsure PIN page appears when the Server-side Server Select or Server-side Fixed option is enabled; prompting users to remember their assigned PIN.

The following images show the location of the key-value pairs on the Your GrIDsure PIN page:

alt_text          alt_text

In the language files, you can customize the following values for the set up GrIDsure PIN page:

Key Value
enrollment.addAuthenticator Add Authenticator Your GrIDsure PIN Your admin requires a PIN to be added to your grid pattern. Your assigned PIN is: IMPORTANT: Remember this PIN! Next time you authenticate, type your PIN followed by your grid pattern, all in the same line.
enrollment.back Back
enrollment.continue Continue
custom.infobox.enrollment See Custom languages on the user portal and login pages

Got your PIN memorized? page

The Got your PIN memorized? page appears after the assigned PIN is displayed on the Your GrIDsure PIN page and Continue is selected.

The following images show the location of the key-value pairs on the Got your PIN memorized? page:

alt_text          alt_text

In the language files, you can customize the following values for the Got your PIN memorized? page:

Key Value Got your PIN memorized? The only way to retrieve this PIN later is by contacting the help desk. My PIN is memorized
enrollment.goBack Go back
custom.infobox.enrollment See Custom languages on the user portal and login pages

GrIDsure login page

The GrIDsure login page appears when the authentication method is OTP and the user has a GrIDsure token.

The following images show the location of the key-value pairs on the GrIDsure page:

alt_text          alt_text

In the language files, you can customize the following values for the GrIDsure page:

Key Value
signin Log in to access
switch-user Switch User
idfirstoff-pattern Please enter characters in sequence corresponding to your chosen pattern.
idfirstoff-pinPlusPattern Type your PIN followed by the characters that correspond to your chosen pattern.
idfirstoff-patternPlusPin Type the characters that correspond to your chosen pattern followed by your PIN.
pinPlusPatternHelpText Type your PIN and pattern in order, all in one line with no spaces. For example, if your PIN is 1234 and your pattern characters are 5678, type 12345678.
patternPlusPinHelpText Type your pattern and PIN in order, all in one line with no spaces. For example, if your pattern characters are 1234 and your PIN is 5678, type 12345678.
passcode Passcode
pinPlusPasscode PIN + Passcode
passcodePlusPin Passcode + PIN
button-login Login
custom.infobox.authentication See Custom languages on the user portal and login pages

SafeNet MobilePASS+ self-provisioning

Select device page

The select device page appears after the add authenticator page.

The following images show the location of the key-value pairs on the select device page:

alt_text          alt_text

In the language files, you can customize the following values for the select device page:

Key Value
enrollment.addAuthenticator Add Authenticator
enrollment.stepSelectDevice Select Device
enrollment.deviceTypeLabel Where do you want to add your authenticator?
enrollment.onMyMobile On My Mobile Device
enrollment.onThisComputer On This Computer
enrollment.back Back
custom.infobox.enrollment See Custom languages on the user portal and login pages

Activate SafeNet MobilePASS+ on your computer page

The SafeNet MobilePASS+ on your computer page appears after you select enrollment.onThisComputer on the add device page and a link to the installer is not displayed.

The following images show the location of the key-value pairs on the activate SafeNet MobilePASS+ on your computer page:

alt_text          alt_text

In the language files, you can customize the following values for the activate SafeNet MobilePASS+ on your computer page:

Key Value
enrollment.addAuthenticator Add Authenticator
enrollment.activateMobilePass Activate\nMobilePASS+
enrollment.computerActivateMPP Activate the SafeNet MobilePASS+ app that is already installed on your computer.
enrollment.followAppInstructionsAndContinue Follow the in-app instructions to complete the activation, and then select Continue.
enrollment.activationNotWorking If the activation didn’t work, contact your help desk.
enrollment.back Back
enrollment.continue Continue
custom.infobox.enrollment See Custom languages on the user portal and login pages

Install and activate SafeNet MobilePASS+ on your computer page

The install and activate SafeNet MobilePASS+ on your computer page appears after you select enrollment.onThisComputer on the add device page and a link to the installer is displayed.

The following images show the location of the key-value pairs on the install and activate SafeNet MobilePASS+ on your computer page:

alt_text          alt_text

In the language files, you can customize the following values for the install and activate SafeNet MobilePASS+ on your computer page:

Key Value
enrollment.addAuthenticator Add Authenticator
enrollment.activateMobilePass Activate\nMobilePASS+
enrollment.computerTextInstall You need to install the SafeNet MobilePASS+ app on your computer before you can activate it.
enrollment.installMobilePass Install\nMobilePASS+
enrollment.followAppInstructionsAndContinue Follow the in-app instructions to complete the activation, and then select Continue.
enrollment.back Back
enrollment.continue Continue
custom.infobox.enrollment See Custom languages on the user portal and login pages

Select mobile OS page

The select mobile OS page appears after you select enrollment.onMyMobile on the select device screen.

The following images show the location of the key-value pairs on the select mobile OS page:

alt_text          alt_text

In the language files, you can customize the following values for the select mobile OS page:

Key Value
enrollment.addAuthenticator Add Authenticator
enrollment.stepSelectMobileOs Select Mobile OS
enrollment.selectDeviceText Install the SafeNet MobilePASS+ app on your device and follow the instructions
enrollment.learnMore Learn More
enrollment.deviceLabel Which type of device do you want to use?
enrollment.iphone iPhone or iPad Android Phone or Tablet
enrollment.back Back
custom.infobox.enrollment See Custom languages on the user portal and login pages

About SafeNet MobilePASS+ page

The about SafeNet MobilePASS+ page appears when you click enrollment.learnMore on the select mobile OS page.

The following images show the location of the key-value pairs on the SafeNet MobilePASS+ page:

alt_text          alt_text

In the language files, you can customize the following values for the SafeNet MobilePASS+ page:

Key Value
enrollment.aboutMpp About SafeNet MobilePASS+
enrollment.aboutMppText1 Using the SafeNet MobilePASS+ authenticator prevents anyone but you from accessing your account, even if they hack your password.
enrollment.aboutMppText2 MobilePASS+ generates a new passcode every time you use it to log in to your account.
enrollment.aboutMppText3 If you turn on notifications for MobilePASS+, you will receive login request notifications on your device. When you approve a request, the passcode is exchanged behind the scenes.
enrollment.aboutMppText4 It is safer to use the authenticator on a different device than the one that you use to access your applications.
enrollment.gotIt Got It
custom.infobox.enrollment See Custom languages on the user portal and login pages

SafeNet MobilePASS+ on iOS page

The SafeNet MobilePASS+ on iOS page appears after you select enrollment.iphone on the select mobile OS screen.

The following images show the location of the key-value pairs on the SafeNet MobilePASS+ on iOS page:

alt_text          alt_text

In the language files, you can customize the following values for the SafeNet MobilePASS+ on iOS page:

Key Value
enrollment.addAuthenticator Add Authenticator
enrollment.iosStepSetupMobilePass Set Up MobilePASS+ on iOS
enrollment.cameraText Open the Camera app and point it at the QR code below. Tap the notification banner that appears.
enrollment.QRCodeAltText QR Code. This is alternative (alt) text for the QR code.
enrollment.getMobilePassAndContinue Follow the instructions to get or open the SafeNet MobilePASS+ app and complete the activation.
enrollment.back Back
enrollment.continue Continue
enrollment.mobileManualSwitch My Camera app is unable to scan the code
custom.infobox.enrollment See Custom languages on the user portal and login pages

Manual SafeNet MobilePASS+ iOS page

The manual SafeNet MobilePASS+ on iOS page appears after you select the enrollment.mobileManualSwitch link on the set up SafeNet MobilePASS+ on iOS screen.

The following images show the location of the key-value pairs on the SafeNet MobilePASS+ on iOS page:

alt_text          alt_text   

In the language files, you can customize the following values for the manual SafeNet MobilePASS+ on iOS page:

Key Value
enrollment.addAuthenticator Add Authenticator
enrollment.iosStepSetupMobilePass Set Up MobilePASS+ on iOS
enrollment.iosManualText1 Download the <strong>SafeNet MobilePASS+</strong> app on the App Store.
enrollment.openAppAndActivate Open the app and scan this code to activate:
enrollment.followAppInstructionsAndContinue Follow the in-app instructions to complete the activation, and then select Continue.
enrollment.back Back
enrollment.continue Continue
custom.infobox.enrollment See Custom languages on the user portal and login pages

Initiated from iOS page

The initiated from iOS page appears when enrollment is initiated from an iOS device.

The following images show the location of the key-value pairs on the initiated from iOS page:

alt_text          alt_text   

In the language files, you can customize the following values for the initiated from iOS page:

enrollment.addAuthenticator Add Authenticator
enrollment.setupMobilePassOnDeviceStep Set Up MobilePASS+ on This Device
enrollment.followLinkAndInstall Tap the following link to install and activate your authenticator:
enrollment.installAppOnDevice Install and Activate MobilePASS+
enrollment.followAppInstructionsAndContinue Follow the in-app instructions to complete the activation, and then select Continue.
enrollment.back Back
enrollment.continue Continue
enrollment.installNotWork Installation link does not work
custom.infobox.enrollment See Custom languages on the user portal and login pages

Download SafeNet MobilePASS+ for iOS page

The download SafeNet MobilePASS+ for iOS page appears when you click enrollment.installNotWork on the initiated from iOS page.

The following images show the location of the key-value pairs on download SafeNet MobilePASS+ for iOS page:

alt_text          alt_text

In the language files, you can customize the following values for the download SafeNet MobilePASS+ for iOS page:

Key Value
enrollment.addAuthenticator Add Authenticator
enrollment.setupMobilePassOnDeviceStep Set Up MobilePASS+ on This Device
enrollment.iosManualText1 Download the <strong>SafeNet MobilePASS+</strong> app on the App Store.
enrollment.followLinkAndActivate Then tap the following link to activate your authenticator:
enrollment.activateAppOnDevice Activate MobilePASS+
enrollment.followAppInstructionsAndContinue Follow the in-app instructions to complete the activation, and then select Continue.
enrollment.back Back
enrollment.continue Continue
custom.infobox.enrollment See Custom languages on the user portal and login pages

SafeNet MobilePASS+ on Android page

The set up SafeNet MobilePASS+ on Android page appears after you select on the select mobile OS page.

The following images show the location of the key-value pairs on the SafeNet MobilePASS+ on Android page:

alt_text          alt_text

In the language files, you can customize the following values for SafeNet MobilePASS+ on Android page:

Key Value
enrollment.addAuthenticator Add Authenticator
enrollment.androidStepSetupMobilePass Set Up MobilePASS+ on Android
enrollment.androidText1 Get the <strong>SafeNet MobilePASS+</strong> app on Google Play.
enrollment.openAppAndActivate Open the app and scan this code to activate:
enrollment.followAppInstructionsAndContinue Follow the in-app instructions to complete the activation, and then select Continue.
enrollment.back Back
enrollment.continue Continue
custom.infobox.enrollment See Custom languages on the user portal and login pages

Enrollment success page

The enrollment success page appears after you successfully activate and enroll SafeNet MobilePASS+.

The following images show the location of the key-value pairs on the enrollment success page:

alt_text          alt_text

In the language files, you can customize the following values for the enrollment success page:

Key Value
signin Log in to access
switch-user Switch User
push-notification-text Approve the login request that was sent to your MobilePASS+ authenticator.
enter-pass-manual Enter a passcode
button-login Login
custom.infobox.authentication See Custom languages on the user portal and login pages

Enrollment not activated page

The enrollment not activated page appears when you select Continue on the activate SafeNet MobilePASS+ page, but have not yet activated and enrolled SafeNet MobilePASS+.

The following images show the location of the key-value pairs on the enrollment not activated page:

alt_text          alt_text

In the language files, you can customize the following values for the enrollment not activated error page:

Key Value


Let’s check if your authenticator has been activated…

This message appears briefly before the enrollment not activated messages are displayed.


Your authenticator has not been activated yet.


On your device, open MobilePASS+ and follow the in-app instructions.


Got It

FIDO self-provisioning

FIDO enrollment page

The FIDO enrollment page appears after you select enrollment.addAuthenticator.securityKey on the select authenticator page.

The following images show the location of the key-value pairs on the FIDO enrollment page:

alt_text          alt_text

In the language files, you can customize the following values for the FIDO enrollment page:

Key Value
enrollment.addAuthenticator Add Authenticator Follow browser instructions
enrollment.selectDifferentAuthenticatorType Select a different authenticator type
custom.infobox.enrollment See Custom languages on the user portal and login pages Follow the browser instructions to activate your: Security key or Built-in sensor or passkey

FIDO nickname page

The enrollment nickname page appears when a user who already has another token is self-provisioning a FIDO token.

The following images show the location of the key-value pairs on the FIDO nickname page:

alt_text          alt_text

In the language files, you can customized the following values for the FIDO nickname page:

Key Value
enrollment.addAuthenticator Add Authenticator
enrollment.stepTokenConfirmation Enrollment Confirmation
enrollment.fidoTokenEnrolled Your authenticator has just been enrolled!
enrollment.fidoTokenNickname Authenticator Nickname
enrollment.fidoTokenLoginNext Log in with your new authenticator on the next screen.
enrollment.continue Continue
custom.infobox.enrollment See Custom languages on the user portal and login pages

Activate FIDO page

The activate FIDO page appears when the user has an externally managed FIDO token in the pending state, which means that they need to activate it before they can use it to log in.

The following images show the location of the key-value pairs on the activate FIDO page:

FIDO activate on user portal          FIDO activate on user portal

In the language files, you can customize the following values for the activate FIDO page:

Key Value
signin Log in to access
switch-user Switch user
activate-token Activate your security key, built-in sensor, or passkey
pending-token You have a pending authenticator that has been assigned to you. Would you like to activate it now?
button-activate-token Activate Authenticator
link-cancel Cancel

Confirm identity page in the activation flow

The confirm identity page appears during the activation flow, after the user select Activate Authenticator (button-activate-token).

The following images show the location of the key-value pairs on the confirm identity page:

Confirm your identity          Confirm your identity key-value pairs

In the language files, you can customize the following values for the confirm identity page in the activation flow:

Key Value
enrollment.activateAuthenticator Activate Authenticator
enrollment.stepConfirmIdentity Confirm Your Identity
enrollment.confirmIdentityTextForAuthenticatorActivation First we need to confirm your identity to activate your authenticator.
enrollment.emailVerificationText Enter the verification code that was emailed to you at <strong>{{ maskedEmail }}</strong>.
enrollment.verificationCode Verification code
enrollment.cancel Cancel
enrollment.continue Continue
enrollment.sendItAgain Send it again

FIDO browser instructions page in the activation flow

The FIDO browser instructions page appears during the activation flow, after the user confirms their identity.

The following images show the location of the key-value pairs on the FIDO browser instructions page:

FIDO browser instructions          FIDO browser instructions key-value pairs

In the language files, you can customize the following values for the FIDO browser instructions page in the activation flow:

Key Value Follow the browser instructions to activate your: Security key or Built-in sensor or passkey

Authenticator nickname page in the activation flow

The authenticator nickname page appears during the activation flow, after the user follows the browser instructions.

The following images show the location of the key-value pairs on the authenticator nickname page in the activation flow:

Authenticator nickname          Authenticator nickname key-value pairs

In the language files, you can customize the following values for the authenticator nickname in the activation flow:

Key Value
enrollment.activateAuthenticator Activate Authenticator
enrollment.stepTokenActivationConfirmation Activation Confirmation
enrollment.fidoTokenActivated You successfully activated your authenticator.
enrollment.fidoTokenNickname Authenticator Nickname
enrollment.fidoTokenLoginNext Log in with your new authenticator on the next screen.
enrollment.continue Continue


Messages include progress, success, and error messages. Error messages can appear in red at the top of the pages or below the field with the error.

Example error below field          Example error below field

Some error messages can appear on an error page:

alt_text          alt_text

In the language files, you can customize the following messages for the self-provisioning pages:

Key Value
enrollment.addAuthenticator.browserNotSupported Your browser doesn't support this type of authenticator. Try again with a different browser.
enrollment.addAuthenticator.maxCapacityReached You have reached the maximum number of authenticators of this type. Ask your administrator to remove an authenticator, so that you can add a new one.




It's not you, it's us. Please give it another try or contact your administrator if the problem persists.


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Nickname can contain only letters, numbers, spaces, and these special characters: _.+=?()-
enrollment.fidoNicknameSaveError Authenticator Nickname failed to save. Please try again.


Installation link does not work


Please provide a valid code.

Success! Now use the authenticator you just activated to log in.


Success! You can now use your grid pattern to log in.


The MobilePASS+ authenticator is not available based on your current device and your administrator's settings.\n\nContact your administrator or help desk for other options.


Unable to Add Authenticator